January 22, 2025


"Politicians and Diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason." – Mark Twain. …America must implement TERM LIMITS for Congress NOW.

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Looking back at the events planned and methodically executed by Nancy Pelosi and democRATS on November 06, 2020; everything comes more and more into focus.

Now that the dust has settled and we can carefully look back at what happened in Congress on November 06, 2020, it is clear that Mike Pence was handed his democRAT golden coin of approval for what he was about to do to President Trump. Sell him out.
Nancy Peloci is never happy and puts on a smile unless she gets away with massive criminality. Look at the picture below.

Now, look at the video of Mike Pence just a moment before this picture was taken. We could not find this video on YouTube but found it on Parler.

Watch the video carefully. These two democrats giving Mike Pence his gold medal or get out of jail free coin. What the hell was that? Then Nanci Pelosi instructing the TRAITOR on what is about to happen and what Mike Pence is supposed to do for the democRATS to get Trump out of office. TREASON.

Needles to say, the Senate never completed the job of looking at and certifying the State Votes that was supposed to be challenged. Per the US Constitution, it was supposed to happen, to make the election valid and legitimate. But Senators and Congressmen never got their say in about the election fraud of those 10 States.

And then with Nancy Pelosi’s knowledge, warned by the FBI many times, the Capitol was raided by Antifa that staged a Coop to make Republicans and President Trump get the blame. This was all such a coordinated overthrow of a sitting President, from a staged shooting, to counting machines in Italy that altered the vote count, to the States Supreme courts getting involved illegally in election rules, to the Supreme Court of the United States of America committing the crime of DISSENT and refusing the right to be heard. In law, a hearing is a proceeding before a court. Donald Trump and all 60 court hearings he asked for and demanded, was denied by the Supreme Beings of the Supreme Court, and the US Government’s Second Branch was overthrown by the First and Third Branches.

This sadly enough sets a new standard for the criminality of American elections going forward.

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