May 10, 2024


"Politicians and Diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason." – Mark Twain. …America must implement TERM LIMITS for Congress NOW.

Tell Others About This.

How do you shut down and destroy a sitting US President and overthrow a government?

It has to be strategically planned and implemented by many groups of people. Something like this:

  • Develop voting machines that can alter the numbers on any election, and do not secure them.
  • Get the nastiest people you can find to be working the polls and protect the crimes that are about to take place.
  • Have your party’s politicians change the election laws just before the election. Even if it is against the law. What can they do? Elections are sacred.
  • Yell at them that they are RACIST if voter ID is required, to ensure no voter ID is required and people can vote multiple times.
  • Use a national emergency like Covid-19 to setup barriers and prevent the fair election laws to apply and do not allow the other party’s poll watchers in. Blame it on the pandemic and safety.
  • Make the most use of this health crisis by setting up false and fake and rigged election voting boxes that is NOT supervised and take those ballots home and filter the other party’s results out by ballot sorting. Then dump these ballots on election night for counting.
  • Advocate and implement massive mail-in ballot campaigns and send out much more ballots than there are registered voters. Then harvest those ballots with the same end game. Remove their candidate’s ballots.
  • Fight and defend any and all these tactics and stand together, because we are doing it to prevent the Nazi’s from taking over. Use that narrative.
  • Get elected government officials to yell as loud as they can that they are the enemy and need to be defeated.
  • Use government agencies to support your agenda and not to interfere with the election, or you will call for election interference by the government. Make sure they understand this so that nobody will investigate anything.
  • Get the courts to go along, because they already screwed up in a previous election when they gave an election to the wrong guy and detrimentally impacted our party. Make sure the courts know not to interfere again.
  • Then, get your friends in the media and TV networks to shut the enemy down and prevent them from talking or investigating any election crimes.
  • Create distractions in the whole country by paying for rioters to upstage local governments and create chaos everywhere, as much as possible to upset voters that you need to vote the other way this time.
  • Setup final activety like infiltration into the enemies political rallies and make sure they break the law or get someone hurt or maybe killed. Use this as a media outcry against that party and rename them in all government offices, the media and Internet and everywhere as terrorists. 
  • Use a national criminal event like that and blow it up even if you recently did the same and call in the military, even if you refused to call them in before for the events you started.
  • Conclude the election event and shut down the Capitol and swear in your candidate before anyone can say or do something.
  • Then, impeach the bastard of a previous president even if it against the law and go after anyone who pissed you off or gave you a hard time and destroy them personally and career wise so they will never mess with you again.
  • Then undo everything they accomplished as if they never were there in office, does not matter if it cost you the health and wellbeing of the whole damn country.


With a STOLEN Criminal Election orchestrated by democRATS and millions of evidence everywhere and the lying complicit accomplices in the mainstream media that are liable for this crime, America is superfast on its way to a massive decline.

America, here is the face of the fuck that is willing to sell you out to countries that hate you. Wake up you fucken idiot.

The scumbag lying criminal called Joe Biden said:
I will not be a democrat or republican president, I will be an American president for all, and will unite our country. His first order of business was to remove and destroy with executive orders, all Trump has accomplished.

Second order of business is to IMPEACH Trump again. This time illegally. Because this president is a criminal, so why care about the stupid Constitution and what it says about Impeachment. I am Joe Biden, “why don’t you just shut the hell up”.

Then this lying sack of shit goes and kill the Keystone oil shell pipeline that immediately caused tens of thousands to lose their jobs. Worse yet, America, your GAS at the pump price is going back up to $4 or $5 and higher. Suck it up buttercup. You wanted dear Joe in and Trump out because Trump tweets too much or is a shameless arrogant rich asshole that calls it as he sees it. For example the FAKE NEWS. They really are the CRIMINAL DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED NEWS. Not FAKE. Criminal.

With the next stroke of his illegal presidential regime’s pen, he opened America’s borders to illegals and criminals and drug trafficking and oh shoot, we forgot, MS13.
“Hey boys, this is Joe, come on in, the water is fine!!!” And to put a go-fuck-you to Trump, he signed an illegal executive order that prevents law enforcement from arresting or deporting any illegal aliens and criminals for the next 100 days. In case you are waking up and saying WHAT?, he also signed a new order saying you can not call them illegal aliens anymore! So shut the hell up America, I am Joe Biden and I will take you behind the shed and whip your ass because I WON the election.

This Biden Regime then showed old feeble Joe’s intelligence and hate for America when he rejoined the Paris Climate Accord, to make dumb criminals like AOC and all her commy friends happy. The projection of job losses in the US and the world from this pen stroke is going to be felt around the world for years to come. Welcome to massive CARBON TAX America. You gonna pay for it all.

Funny, the American Unions are now pissed off with Joe. Don’t know why? They told all their union members to vote for this Joe shithead. Now that he wiped out your jobs and towns and industries, you are mad? Feel the pain assholes. Feel the pain, you dumb Union idiots. Oh, he lied to you? Wow, what a shock.

No more coal mining, no more steel factories, no more wood furniture because of no more logging, and on and on. Shutting down many industries that will not come back ever again. Wiping out towns and communities. Way to go America, your king is destroying every industry, one at a time. And the world sees this and will take over all these industries and those other countries will become rich. And America will again become poor, with empty vacant towns and cities and destroyed regions throughout the country, looking like ghost towns. Because you assholes hate the word MAGA.

Are you happy now? America? Do you not realize voting for the criminals in the democRAT party is a sure path to self-destruction for America. Just look at the towns, cities, and States that democRATS are holding office in. Crime, joblessness, riots, violence, theft, murder are all always synonymous to areas controlled by democRATS. Why the hell are you not learning America? These people are scum.



Wait what did you say, Republicans are the racist party? Because democRATS say so?

Why are you too lazy to ask Google or better yet, go to a library and look it up – before they remove all those books. Look it up. The democrats are the party that was all the lower States in America. You know, THE SOUTH. The party with all the SLAVE PLANTATIONS. The party with all the money. The cotton money!

President Lincoln (Republican) from the North, declared a fucken civil war against these democrat assholes that enslaved blacks sold by their own kind in Africa and bought here to America by the English and Spanish to be SLAVES on the democRATS’ plantations. The Republicans did not like that and went to war and kicked the Democratic scumballs in the balls. And freed the slaves.

Oh, by the way, the Republican Party was started by a group of black patriots and businessmen.

Did you know MLK and MacholmX warned black folk to not vote for democrats – ever.

Here is the quote: Malcolm X || “If You Vote Democrat You Are A Traitor To Your Race!”

Democrats were and still are the party of the KKK. Always dressed in white. I mean really, how blind are you? Look at this image below from last year in Congress:

democrats wearing white KKK outfits
Dems in Congress wearing party colors. Note the red outfit amongst all the white.

Last Democrat topic. The Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic is overblown and criminal fraud. So any hospital that reports the Covid case numbers to get paid extra by the Federal government for each case. If you go in with the flu and die, your insurance gets billed, or if no insurance, you have to pay for treatments or those left behind if you died. The national average of maybe a couple of thousand dollars. But if the hospital claim it was Covid that killed you, the hospital gets $30,000 and if they claim you were on a ventilator, they get paid $60,000. So it is a money-making racket by democRATS. How the hell can we say that, oh it is government numbers that is reported. Last year, 2020, Covid-19 cases exploded across America, and thousands died. However, the national average yearly of people dying from the flu or cold or heart attacks or pneumonia and many other illnesses the reported numbers were way down. So apparently the whole country/world was very healthy and stopped dying from these regular viruses, but instead died massively from only Covid. I call bullshit.

And the longer democrats drag this Covid-19 scam out, the more they can destroy the American economy and businesses, so people will have no jobs or homes or money, and will be dependent on the government for handouts.

Hey, you voted for these democRAT criminals and helped them to throw a US election. Now you will increasingly over the next few years and onwards, FEEL THE PAIN. It has only just started America. The worse is yet to come.

According to Yelp data, permanent closures have reached 97.966 businesses, and closures across the U.S. are increasing as a result of the coronavirus. That is 60% of American small businesses.

Can you say “economic crisis coming right up?”

The criminal Biden Kamala Nancy Pelosi REGIME will make sure you (America) feel the pain.
Oh and if you voted for this criminal, thank you for your vote and for destroying America.

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