February 21, 2025


"Politicians and Diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason." – Mark Twain. …America must implement TERM LIMITS for Congress NOW.

Opinion on 11/11/2020

Tell Others About This.

Published 11/11/2020 Theron News Press – TNP

The Melinial generation can throw up their hands and surrender to anything the screaming mobs desire. Us old guard and older generation that fought in wars and love America, WON’T give up or surrender even an inch. Come HELL or HIGH WATER.

Americans cringe at the TV and the now so soft-spoken “come together” “join hands” and “why can’t we all just get along” spin from the Biden regime and the left and their democRAT controlled media slaves like CNN or CBS or MSNBC et al. (Have you noticed they all use the same sentence on all talking points? It is like they are all controlled by one criminal think-tank.)

The hate in America from regular citizens is far over the top because of that rhetoric now. Effectively what the left is saying is “for 5 years we strategically vindictively planned and executed a strategy of destruction and hate” against all Conservatives. Daily!!! And going as far as using agencies like the IRS, EPA and FBI to name just a few, Democrats have implemented multiple simultaneous tactical warfare strategies against Conservative America and the Trump administration.

If this was any other country, the world would have complacently accepted “America’s Swallow My Pill” rhetoric and not even looked twice at what America is saying. The truth is that many Americans, actually millions of us are well aware that the American Law namely the Constitution is under full assault and attack and the destruction of it is imminent.

It seems that when you are out and about, not considering the hyped-up bull about the new and latest flu virus called the Covid-19, that we just all distrust or hate each other. Who is a democRAT and who is a Conservative?

When you look at the media now after the election with the fake news illegally professing Biden is king, CNN is begging for “let’s come together and why is the Trump administration not cooperating with surrender”. Or Fox News that was supposed to be conservative, but showed their true colors on election night and on, that they too have masters of control and American hate; and their actions of illegally calling States and Presidential election results, when we all know the law of the land, the Constitution said, only the electoral commission can do that, and yet, American law enforcement is standing by and not doing anything to uphold the law or warning these partisan extremist actors that they are breaking the laws of the land.

With the third leg of the United States branches of government namely the Legislative Branch being “sensitive, to not upset the status quo”, the prospects of the Trump administration being revived after a stolen and totally fraudulent election with layers of corruptness and tons of cases of proven fraud, seems to be non-revivable. A total overthrow of our government is in full view for the world to see. How can America go on telling other countries to strive towards Democracy and having their own elected Republics, when our government allows voter fraud and election fraud and hate speech and foreign interference actors inside our country. How? We will no longer be taken seriously and will be known as a country where greed buys power. For God’s sake, why is Congress and Law enforcement allowing Joe Biden to run for president when clear evidence of extreme foreign actors like Russia and China paid him or his family millions before this election? Can you say “compromised candidate”? There is a law about that somewhere. If you hold office, thou shalt not accept gifts from outside or other countries or something like that.

Obama without a proven birth certificate. Remember the day Obama produced his LONG birth certificate to the press, and it was immediately proven to be photoshopped, and before we could do anything like remove him from office, he played his trump card by saying the next day he had Osama Bin Laden killed. Or what about the Bush era? Donald Rumsfeld announced on the news that the DOD lost $1,4 Trillion. The next day, 911 happened and nobody spoke about that again because America had to go kick some Osama butt in Afghanistan. And who allowed us at that time to invade Iraq? They had nothing to do with 911? And now we know all the weapons of mass destruction pedaled by DICK Chaney was a lie. Why, because DICK is now the biggest owner of Iraq oil via Halliburton. What about now or more recent events? After 5 years, America learned that Obama and Hillary tried to overthrow the Republican president with illegal treasonous acts by saying Trump was a Russian spie. And for 5 years the mainstream media lied about it and the terrorists in Congress named Nancy Pelosi, Adam Shiff, and Jerry Nadler who everyone now knows lied in Congress and on national TV, is not hold to account, or arrested or hanged.

Nobody on the Democrat side is EVER held liable or arrested for their crimes. Ever!!! And now we know the FBI and Justice Department and other government agencies work exclusively for them. The Democrats.

For FIVE years government agencies and the democRATS have attacked Trump’s people with results and clear evidence that it was all lies and made-up bull. With media outlets calling the acting president everything from a terrorist to a communist to a Nazi to showing images of assassinations and decapitations and worse of Trump, and the media channels advertising that hate speech every day, not once, not twice, but every day for five years, this same terrorist actors in the media now want to beg or pie America to join them in a smooth transition to help and assist with a Coup d’état event on a president of the United States.

This to America and American Agencies should be a red flag event that the democRAT Party have overstepped their illegal and terrorist activities. They have falsely accused Trump of Russian collusion, they broke Fisa Laws, they falsely tried illegal Impeachment procedures, they assisted and condoned violence and defunding of our law enforcement in most all States. Their Congressional elected criminals even called for attacks on fellow Congressional members and any and all conservative Americans. What the hell is the premier law enforcement agencies like the FBI and the “asleep behind the wheel” Homeland Security doing and not arresting these Congressional terrorists that are in a public (not in Congress where the law shields their words) and calling for the destruction of their political opponents, doing? What the hell are these premier “very expensive” law enforcement agencies doing by not arresting these people and jailing them? Maybe when Homeland Security or the FBI get defunded by the left and democRATS, will they act on and uphold the laws of our land. How easy do they all forget this fact; YOU SWORE AN OATH TO UPHOLD AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION OF AMERICA. You did not swear an oath to protect and defend criminals, no matter who they are or what office they hold.

Here is a self-check for all FBI agents: “If you see a fellow Agent commit a crime, will you arrest them?”
Think about that and then you will know why America now has lost all respect for this agency.

It is disgusting to see, and it has been disgusting to look at for 5 years now. That is why 75 million Americans said “HELL NO” and voted for Trump again. Yet, with the support of the terrorist and foreign-owned media, (can you say election interference on that point), and the refusal of law enforcement on a Federal and State level to prevent election destruction, and stand back and watch the country go to hell and just in one generation become another 3rd world hole full of socialism and communism, we here at Theron News Press will speak out.

Why? Been there, done that. Seen it all. Image below is of South Africa in the 80s and 90s.

Steps to prevent American destruction:

1. When a public media company lie or promote anti-American rhetoric – fine them. If they keep doing that, revoke their broadcast license that the FCC licensed them with.
2. When Congress (the Legislative Branch) places laws on the Executive Branch such as term limits, the Constitution said equal branches of power, so the Executive Branch should immediately place restrictions on the Legislative Branch for the same rule.
3. Any attempt from the Legislative Branch to overthrow the Executive Branch should be prevented by the Agencies employed by the Executive Branch namely the top law enforcement agencies. No matter what party is in power at any given time, the State Department and FBI, and CIA must do everything to protect the Branch they are employed by, namely the Executive Branch.
4. Interference from terrorist socialist-communist and foreign-owned TV broadcasting outlets to indoctrinate and distribute counterintelligence to the general American ignorant population should be construed as an act of war, whether from a broadcast network or as small as one person trying with their power and money to change the American way of life and the projection or direction or progress of America. Great examples of terrorists like this are George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg.
5. Implement and execute the law of the land called the US Constitution.
6. Hold everyone accountable to their oath-of-office and if they break the law, imprison them all. Even Congress. If you help the enemy of America, you have committed treason. Treason is an automatic death sentence. Period.

We are far past MAGA. Make America Great Again.
We are now at SAVE AMERICA from these organized criminals.

The sad part now for most us old guard, is when you give bad people this much control (Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, and a cowardly Judicial Branch), hell is soon to befall all of us.

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