Educate yourself, please. This COVID-19 VACCINE is deadly. Listen to this professor giving you a world lesson and reasoning why...
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If you look at this video and still don't believe massive election fraud was committed in this 2020 Presidential election,...
Dr. Judy Mikovits has been called one of the most accomplished scientists of her generation. Her 1991 doctorial thesis, revolutionized...
Sidney Powell and three other attorneys filed the Kracken lawsuit that points to massive amounts of clear and undisputable evidence...
Hundreds of tech hackers and software and hardware people are able to hack and/or alter the software and hardware that...
Is this going to be concentration camps or re-education camps? Obviously, the FBI and partners are condoning this, because they...
Many world leaders have recently said they want to use the great reset for very nefarious purposes. I am talking... "My fellow Americans. I stand here, disgusted with this lie, that Biden has been chosen. As if we all...