January 21, 2025


"Politicians and Diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason." – Mark Twain. …America must implement TERM LIMITS for Congress NOW.

November 05, 2024 Election Results for America

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With the overthrow of the 2020 American elections and the National impact from financial destruction, inflation, expensive food, inflated gas prices, impossible mortgage rates, woke and sexually explicit school boards, global wars, and general destruction of basic values and decency in America, the Republicans voted and barely took the country back without realizing the threat that is from within our country by the Communist Socialist Racist Criminals in the DemocRAT party, and the Rinos that form the ROT in the Republican Party, America’s Right is celebrating and America’s Left is doubling down and scheming, and hating.


The Obama, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer destruction of America is halted for now by the thickness of a hair.

Republicans are celebrating but if you consider how this party backstab each other and can never stand together as a unit or a force, it takes only two people to be lost in the Senate and also the House for the Republicans not to have the majority anymore. That is the real threat even more so that the criminal terrorists in the DemocRAT party. This will inevitably lead to CIVIL WAR in America.

2 Votes is what it takes to lose either house in Congress, and since the hateful democRATS tried twice already to assassinate President Trump during this election cycle if they try again, they might succeed. Then the Executive branch and MAGA agenda will be lost.

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