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It is WAR inside America
1 year ago
Theron News Desk
With a useless Republican Party in power of the House that has had the ability to IMPEACH this criminal in the White House, here is a reminder of how America is doing under this fuck named Joe Biden:
- Massive voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election, with States changing election laws right before the election, or massive mail-in ballots, or the failure of the US Supreme Court to even hear 1 of the 60 motions on election fraud.
- Bill Barr and Mike Pense (RINOS) stabbed Trump in the back.
- Or how Nancy Pelosi used the J6 event to overthrow an election, by handing Pense a coin after the J6 event occurred and Pense certified the election, knowing fair and well he could not because in the previous session, Arizona objected to the certification legally and said they had proof and it was signed by a US Senator. Total illegal certification against the Constitution.
- Or Biden’s criminal Regime that OPENED THE BOARDERS and violated standing immigration laws as well as removing America’s status as a SOVEREIGN NATION.
- Or the Biden Regime weaponizing Federal agencies to attack Americans calling us TERRORISTS and infiltrating Churches and schools to imprison more Americans, like the thousands of Patriots that have been imprisoned and their LEGAL RIGHTS under the Constitution VIOLATED. Some still in prison now 3 years later without a fair trail.
- Or the nearly trillion gas vehicles in America, and Joe-the-Ho stopped oil drilling to double and tripple gas prices and force Americans to buy garbage battery cars.
- Or worse yet, Obama was in the Wuhan Lab with Faichi in 2017 looking at what America is funding there, and all of a sudden Covid-19 from that same lab is released on the entire world at the same time as the election!!!
- Or Governments local and National ordering everthing to shut down and people loosing their companies with only the big ones allowed to stay open. (Too big to fail, happened before with the banks in 2008, but was just a test run for 2020).
- Or this criminal Biden Regime supporting and pushing DA’s throughout America not to prosecute criminals and allowing RIOTS to burn down American cities and destabilize the country and create HATE and RACISM.
- Or currently the Biden Regime justice department filing fake charges and arrests against their political opponent to get him killed or off the ballot with corrupt State Supreme Court judges/democRAT scum to against the Constitution vote to remove Trump from the voter’s rolls. Totally a page from the CIA and State Departments playbook on how to destabilize and overthrow a country.
- Or this KKK leader and child molester Joe Biden who with his family has taken bribes and payments from America’s worst enemies personally, and during his current term allowed these same countries to commit global criminal actions against America and the UN and worse yet, aiding and abetting the enemy of America such as Iran or the Taliban by weaponizing them with $85billion in military equipment or giving our enemy Iran Billions of Dollars from all of us Americans that paid that money to the dangerous IRS.
- Or worse yet, in half his term as illegal president, double and tripple interest rates, food prices, fuel prices and causing a 50 year high RECESSION in America.
- Or worse yet, inflicting DEI (totally against the Constitution) rules and laws to weaken and destroy our great military, federal government and schools around the nation.
- All with an open BORDER, killer drugs made in China is flowing into Americ killing millions of Americans.
- Or the CHILD TRAFFICKING going on with the floods of illegals streaming into America with unaccompanied children to be sex-trafficked inside America.
- Or WW3 with all the WARS that broke out worldwide and countries like Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea threatening America with a NUCLEAR WAR.
- This PIG democRAT from SCRANTON (SCROTUM) Pennsylvania has destroyed America.
- We can go on, but you see it all around you and feel it daily living under this criminal regime!