December 22, 2024


"Politicians and Diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason." – Mark Twain. …America must implement TERM LIMITS for Congress NOW.

How Google Shifted Millions of Votes in 2020 and 2022 American Elections and Wiped Out the Red Wave

Tell Others About This.

If Google and Sundar Pichai don’t immediately stop interfering in American elections, Congress needs to outlaw this American company Google as a terrorist corporation, arrest all senior management, and shut it down.

The same applies to companies like Facebook where Mark Zuckerberg interfered with the 2020 Presidential elections by funding democRATS with $400 million to overthrow that election. Congress needs to outlaw companies that clearly intervene in Constitutional Elections and incarcerate all their leadership.

The sheer damage these propped-up candidates like Joe KKK Biden do to America with the help from billion-dollar companies like Google and Facebook, infringing on the rights of Americans to fairly and Constitutionally pick our rightful leaders, is appalling and should not be tolerated any longer.

In 2020 Google manipulated 450,000 votes for Joe Biden in 4 swing vote States.
In 2022 Google manipulated tens of millions of votes for democRATS and completely wiped out the RED WAVE from Republicans.

Go here for the evidence:

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