March 27, 2025


"Politicians and Diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason." – Mark Twain. …America must implement TERM LIMITS for Congress NOW.

The Democrats’ agenda to destroy America

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Unlike Conservative or Republican Americans, the terrorist activist criminal Democrats in America not only want to destabilize America to destroy her, but will easily pull the whole world into total destruction like COVID-19 or worse, the impending nuclear WW3. For Democrats, it is all about power and hate and destruction. They have no love for the country or the world.

They all stand by each other and will implement the worst destructive agendas to remain in power and scare not only Americans but the whole world, through sanctions, wars, destabilizing and overthrowing governments, creating famine and massive refugee problems, illegally producing bioweapons, spreading hate and racism and lies, suppressing nation States via G7 or UN or World Bank or NATO or WHO and illegally bombing countries and killing world leaders with drones etc. without the necessary legislation required by law in America to vote for war by an Act of Congress.

America’s government has become so dangerous now that Americans are afraid to even speak up to this tyrannical government that is holding citizens in prison sometimes for years without trials, or prosecuting political enemies to the extreme.

US Elections have become literally crime scenes, and the weaponization of government agencies like the FBI, DOJ, DOD, CIA, IRS, or Courts like the Judges that allow prosecution of not only former Presidents and their staff but even their lawyers to be incarcerated illegally.

Joe Biden and his hateful KKK Party have the Blacks and Latinos in America so enslaved, by Joe’s own words, “If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black”. The black man in the picture above is in prison right now without the ability to post bail. His “crime” was to support “BLACKS FOR TRUMP” in the 2020 election.

If our justice department does not wake up and realize that its head Attorney General Merrick B. Garland is a hate-driven fenatic criminal who hates Republicans because when Obama tried to appoint him to the Supreme Court, Republicans stopped his appointment.

If the DOJ does not stop this guy, and the US State Department doesn’t wake up and say enough, not only will America internally be destroyed, but externally as well. Ukraine, the illegal NATO war that America is fighting against Russia, and the impending China-Taiwan war that can spill into nuclear war very fast are all current examples of a totally out-of-control American Biden Regime criminal government.

Even bigger than these wars is a thing called BRICS. BRICS happened because Joe Biden implemented massive sanctions against Russia when Russia invaded Ukraine.

  • Joe stole all of Russia’s cash that was in dollars namely $850 billion.
  • Then Joe bombed NordStream 1 & 2 oil and gas pipelines, effectively cutting Russia’s ability to supply oil and gas to Europe (our NATO partners) causing devastation in Europe.
  • Then Joe decided to remove Russia from the SWIFT system. The SWIFT system is what countries use to trade their currency into US dollars to be able to buy oil and gas. Russia is the second largest supplier of oil in the world.
  • All the world saw this activity (sanctions) and realized that if America can do this to Russia (the world’s largest nuclear superpower), then America can do it to any country.
  • BRICS immediately formed to remove the US Petro-Dollar as the world’s oil currency.
  • BRICS stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.
  • Another BRICS meeting was held last week in South Africa to expand BRICS and these are the new countries that are joining: PRESIDENT CYRIL RAMAPHOSA: We have decided to invite the Argentine Republic, the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

That is 80% of oil-producing nations, and more than 2/3 of the world population.

Not only Americans, but the world can see how powerful the US Executive Branch can be and how the criminal that holds the current seat of power in the White House is wielding his power. The sad thing is the irreparable permanent harm he is doing to America.

If Conservatives and Republicans don’t IMPEACH this bastard criminal Joe Biden, all will be lost in America and the world will become a very unstable and dangerous place. The outcome definitely nuclear war.

The collapse of America is already underway. Office buildings occupancy has dropped over 30% and who are the owners of all the office building mortgages? The banks. The banks will crash next. The rest of the world sees the emperor has no clothes on (America) and are dropping the dollar in droves. This became very evident at the exit of Afghanistan and the start of the Ukraine war. With America leaving all its NATO allies behind.

Within one year the stock markets will drop more than 50% and the American economy will implode. The radical left, DemocRATS will cheat in the 2024 election and there is nothing that can stop them from destroying America and by default, the world. The ECONOMIC TSUNAMI-HURRICANE is here for America.

Theron News Press | 08/26/2023

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