January 23, 2025


"Politicians and Diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason." – Mark Twain. …America must implement TERM LIMITS for Congress NOW.

A Spyglass into the Future and what is coming within a Year

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Looking at the Rise and Fall of Empires over the past 2,000 years, America’s fall is here now. 

Domestically inside America:

  • Joe Biden and all his military advisors including General Mark A. Milley and SecDef Lloyd Austin need to be hanged for Treason against the United States for aiding and abetting the enemy namely ISIS and the Taliban with $85 Billion in taxpayer-funded weapons when fleeing Afghanistan.
  • With a massive overthrow of the Executive Branch in the 2020 Election and the steps criminals in Congress like Pelosi and Shiff took,
  • or the FBI illegally colluding with the Private sector (Twitter/Facebook) to remove Americans’ Free Speech,
  • or the Justice Department refusing to investigate criminals in the Democrat Party and persecuting Republicans,
  • or the Judicial Branch refusing to even hear 1 of the 60 motions by the Trump lawyers on Election fraud,
  • or the Racist black judges in DC violating not only Americans’ civil rights but the Constitution,
  • or the criminal in the White House removing America’s sovereignty and opening our borders,
  • or the DemocRATS in 2 years causing financial destruction by spending over 6 Trillion Dollars,
  • or the CDC lying about all its funded Biolabs including 48 in Ukraine as well as the Wuhan Lab in China that made the Covid-19 virus causing 6.66 million deaths worldwide,
  • The 2020 election results were altered by Dominium software to drastically alter the vote in Biden’s favor via a software algorithm process called “weighted race distribution” was altering and injecting false vote numbers (coup d’é·tat), click to view massive election fraud in 2020,
  • or all major cities in America souring in crime because Black people and Latinos are enslaved by their democRAT masters to vote DemocRAT always, no matter if their cities are burning.
  • or just like Rome when Julius Ceasar was killed by his Senators (et tu Brute), Trump not being from Washington DC did not know who the traitors were and he was surrounded by them who helped in the overthrow of the Trump Administration and plant the criminal Joe Biden Regime.
  • America is not only divided, she is dying.

The New World Order is here now.

Internationally how this Biden Regime is affecting America and the world:

  • The rest of the world sees a criminal feeble scumbag KKK pedophile of an American planted President in Joe Biden and is making their war plans accordingly.
  • The damage Joe Biden’s regime did to America’s allies by fleeing Afghanistan and leaving all our NATO Allies behind and massively arming them. The same terrorists responsible for 9-11.
  • China started a Belt and Road program to help countries toward economic prosperity and lock them into a relationship financially with them.
  • China formed a partnership with most countries on earth (BRICS) to remove America as the Petro Dollar country, which is shortly going to devastate America’s economy, never to recover.
  • China is getting ready to take Taiwan back into the fold just like it did with Hong Kong. And China can legally do so because America’s policy toward Taiwan is a ONE CHINA policy.
  • Russia is taking America’s corruption as a sign to take Ukraine back and will win or draw NATO and the world into a nuclear war.
  • And with Congress devastated (Mitch McConnel is married to a Chinese woman and he is brain dead, the Speaker of the House McCarthy is a coward and won’t Impeach Joe Biden even though all the standards for Impeachment have been met already in evidence and whistleblowers), Congress and the Republicans are all talk and no action. Nancy Pelosi with all her hate toward Trump showed America how destructive the DemorCATS can be.
  • It is now August 19, 2023 and China will invade Taiwan now in August. Joe Biden is purposefully on his second 10-day vacation to allow China to do a fast invasion right now!
  • And all this will happen before the 2024 Presidential election because America is totally divided and broken, our military is totally depleted, and the criminals in our DOJ are calling REGULAR AMERICANS ‘TERRORISTS” and the Gen. Milley traitor in the DOD is talking about “White Supremacy”.

100% Evidence of China’s buildup to imminent WAR.

China warned the world, whoever comes to Taiwan’s aid will pay the ultimate price. Russia and China agreed to a limitless partnership. Russia is amassing Nuclear weapons in Belarus and on the Ukraine border in the last 6 weeks.
Nuclear war against America and NATO (Europe) is imminent.

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