January 5, 2025


"Politicians and Diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason." – Mark Twain. …America must implement TERM LIMITS for Congress NOW.

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During the 2020 STOLEN ELECTION and Trump insisting the election was rigged, and now with tons of evidence that came out of how true it was and all the involvement of the federal government, this treasonous general was probably the worst of all the inner circle of President Donald Trump’s men. During this timeframe, Milley got on the phone with his counterpart in China telling him he (Milley) would call them (China) if Trump launches a nuclear attack on China.

I, Mark Milley, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God. 

General Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the highest-ranking military officer in the United States, took office in October 2019. That was back when President Donald Trump was still in power, and while there have been plenty of reports of chaos in that administration, a newly released letter by Milley is turning even more heads.

Things hit a breaking point on June 1, 2020, when the nation was still reeling from the terrors of George Floyd’s death, and Black Lives Matter protestors were violently removed from Washington D.C.’s Lafayette Square. A few minutes later, Trump walked into the Square for a photo op, and Milley stood behind him in his military uniform. The pictures were meant to show the President’s forceful response to the protests but were met with severe criticism. 

According to this treasonous general, he turned his back on his Commander and Chief and said this:

Milley recognized the error of his decision and apologized, saying, “I should not have been there. My presence in that moment, and in that environment, created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics.”

But his discontent ran deeper: A week later, on June 8, 2020, Milley drafted a scathing resignation letter, but never actually submitted it.

Here’s the full letter that never actually made it to the President: 

I regret to inform you that I intend to resign as your Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Thank you for the honor of appointing me as senior ranking officer. The events of the last couple weeks have caused me to do deep soul-searching, and I can no longer faithfully support and execute your orders as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It is my belief that you were doing great and irreparable harm to my country. I believe that you have made a concerted effort over time to politicize the United States military. I thought that I could change that. I’ve come to the realization that I cannot, and I need to step aside and let someone else try to do that.

Second, you are using the military to create fear in the minds of the people—and we are trying to protect the American people. I cannot stand idly by and participate in that attack, verbally or otherwise, on the American people. The American people trust their military and they trust us to protect them against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and our military will do just that. We will not turn our back on the American people.

Third, I swore an oath to the Constitution of the United States and embodied within that Constitution is the idea that says that all men and women are created equal. All men and women are created equal, no matter who you are, whether you are white or Black, Asian, Indian, no matter the color of your skin, no matter if you’re gay, straight or something in between. It doesn’t matter if you’re Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Jew, or choose not to believe. None of that matters. It doesn’t matter what country you came from, what your last name is—what matters is we’re Americans. We’re all Americans. That under these colors of red, white, and blue—the colors that my parents fought for in World War II—means something around the world. It’s obvious to me that you don’t think of those colors the same way I do. It’s obvious to me that you don’t hold those values dear and the cause that I serve.

And lastly it is my deeply held belief that you’re ruining the international order, and causing significant damage to our country overseas, that was fought for so hard by the Greatest Generation that they instituted in 1945. Between 1914 and 1945, 150 million people were slaughtered in the conduct of war. They were slaughtered because of tyrannies and dictatorships. That generation, like every generation, has fought against that, has fought against fascism, has fought against Nazism, has fought against extremism. It’s now obvious to me that you don’t understand that world order. You don’t understand what the war was all about. In fact, you subscribe to many of the principles that we fought against. And I cannot be a party to that. It is with deep regret that I hereby submit my letter of resignation.

But instead of resigning, Milley reportedly decided to fight his battle from inside the government, allegedly saying, “If they want to court-martial me, or put me in prison, have at it. But I will fight from the inside.” 

In this TREASONOUS BASTARD’s own words: ‘General Li, I want to assure you that the American government is stable and everything is going to be okay’.

And this without notifying his Commander and Chief, the US President. TREASON.

Another massive Treasonous Act by General Milley was "Aiding or attempting to aid the enemy refers to the transfer of arms, ammunition, supplies, money, etc. to an enemy". Article III, Section 3, Clause 1: Treason against the United States.

Milley was advising President Trump, and then Joe Biden to leave all equipment $85 Billion for the enemy (you know, the Taliban – the same guys that caused 911) in Afghanistan.

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