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The Trump-Biden failure and typical US bullying tactics will cost the USA dearly

The first weapon of mass destruction for the US is always sanctions or tariffs. If you look over the past 100 years at how the US implemented regime change in countries around the world to even destroy democracies to bend to the will of US foreign policy, this bullying WMD is going to come home to roost and destroy America.
To give you a perfect recent example, the destruction of America’s most valuable asset, the “petro-dollar”. If you have been paying attention, something just popped up in the world called BRICS.
The US criminal media does not want to talk about it or focus Americans’ attention on this imminent crash of the US economy. Here are the facts, BRICS is 3.27 Billion people. Nearly half of the world’s population. And with 19 other countries that stand in line to join, like Mexico and Saudi Arabia, the end of the USA petro-dollar is here. Do not believe the US government or media for refusing to talk about this. Annually this was trillions of US Dollars that are about to fall flat on its face. BRICS with 19 other countries and many more wanting to join daily, spells the end of the US/UK empire.