January 30, 2025


"Politicians and Diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason." – Mark Twain. …America must implement TERM LIMITS for Congress NOW.

WW3 is already here and the US will have a red flag event to steal your money

Close-up of an Chinese yuan, a Russian Ruble and an American dollar banknote

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This is NOT a proxy war in Ukraine, with countries inside NATO now supporting Ukraine and the US giving Ukraine more than 100 Billion US taxpayer money, America is at war with Russia.

The propaganda being spread by the 5 criminal media platforms about China is bringing worldwide hatred towards China. All China wants to do worldwide is do business and collect resources to feed their country. America is surrounding China with military bases everywhere around China.

America told Europa to stay in line because of NATO and because Europa wanted to buy cheap gas from Russia. Europa build two pipelines namely Nord Stream 1 and 2. America blew it up.

America was the country setting up illegal Bioweapons Labs worldwide, including 28 in Ukraine and many others in China. A virus named Sars-2 or Corona-19 got out of an America-funded lab in China and killed 6.8 million people.

America is in huge trouble financially because the pigs and criminals in government has stolen all our money from funds like our Social Security fund and racked up $32 trillion in debt. We have reached our debt ceiling, so a false flag event will be used by our government to steal everybody’s bank accounts.

Not too long ago, America supplied Russia with guns and bombs, etc. If Russia and America go to war, everyone on earth dies because of the global dust in the air that will cause an ice age for about a 1000 years.

America propped-up China and made them in half a century the richest country in the world with the largest military. If China and America go to war, the same will happen – global destruction and an ice age to follow.

The global reset is imminent now in 2023 and how America gets out of financial disasters or recessions is to go to war. At TNP we think it will be America and Russia. America will create a red-flag event with regulation D to take everyones money.

There are 12 Central Banks in the US that are buying Gold faster than in WW2. Something huge is about to happen! This will happen around June 2023 (over a weekend) because LOBOR rates (London Inter-Bank Offered Rate) are being discarded in favor of  SOFR (Secured Overnight Financing Rate). There are $610 Trillion in LABOR contracts. And digital currency will be implemented. All FIAT currency will be gone or outlawed. SDR will be the next PETRO DOLLAR or global currency run by the IMF.

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