March 28, 2025


"Politicians and Diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason." – Mark Twain. …America must implement TERM LIMITS for Congress NOW.

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China backed down again when the US shows up in the South China Sea with the entire 7th Fleet and the entire NATO fleet to defend Taiwan from an invasion by China. Makes you wonder why these assholes did not do the same for Ukraine???

It is interesting how China will do mischievous things worldwide, but won’t go to full-on war. I guess that is why an island called Japan with 150 million people conquered the entire China with 3 billion people during WW2.

I saw this firsthand in Africa. China was there and everywhere but was not directly involved in any of the wars of Mozambique, Rhodesia, Angola, or South West Africa.

America on the other hand will not only rattle its saber but will gladly go to war with anyone. Thank god this time the Pentagon did not take the advice of the Chinese paid-for criminal sitting in the White House.

With 3.4 billion people China should have been able by now to build a human chain bridge between them and Taiwan. And if they claim Taiwan like Hong Kong is theirs, why not attack the American naval vessels that encroach on your god-given territory? It’s because China is all show and no go.

I think also it is about the fact that America in its 245 years of violent history, has never been out of war for more than 10 years. And the criminals in our government and military are evil and mean and like to bully the rest of the world. Well if China can not go to a conventional or nuclear war, then they should do what the US does, go to war financially. Our country is more divided than ever and the criminals that have taken over our government will for once see the deeds of their actions. Not that they care about our country!!!


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