U.S. Dollar demise and Hyper Inflation are imminent

End of the road for the U.S. Dollar.
When Russia invaded Ukraine, America stole $800 Billion of Russia’s funds out of the global banks. This was totally illegal because Congress did not vote on this action of Sanctions and neither did the United Nations. For America to have the criminality to steal a countries money, or to bomb or drone countries that the U.S. did not have a vote and declaration of war on is illegal. This has started a global awakening to ALL countries worldwide that America is not your friend and started the global currency wars, BRICS and the EU, Mexico and South American countries including Asian countries are forming and joining forces to destroy America and the Dollar.
GOLD soon will be at $10,000 an ounce, and Bitcoin will be at $1 million a coin. America’s Dollar is at an end.