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China is preparing for war while America is asleep with criminal Biden and Gen Milley owned by China.

Foreword, General Mark A. Milley is a TREASONOUS CRIMINAL THAT NEEDS TO BE COURT-MARTIALED. He is a traitor to America and yet the criminals in the White House and the criminals in the law enforcement agencies that were supposed to answer to President Trump were with full treasonous impunity acting against the President of the United States on the behest of the next implanted Coup d’état Biden Regime.
This Milley criminal that should be dead now, (treason) is in total control of ALL of America’s armed forces. This SWINE is a disgrace to the Uniform and to all active and veterans who served!
It is imminent that China will invade Taiwan now. Chairman Xi’s own words, “When we invade Taiwan…” Not if.
And with the criminal Biden in our White House that took money (pay-offs) directly from China, and a treasonous General Milley in control of America’s military, we are at the peak of war with the wrong people in charge of our country. Watch the video below.