February 22, 2025


"Politicians and Diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason." – Mark Twain. …America must implement TERM LIMITS for Congress NOW.

Tell Others About This.

Russian oil to Europe.

On September 26, 2022, a severe drop in pressure in both NordStream1 and NordStream2 was associated with a rupture in both pipes due to sabotage. None of the four pipes are currently operational, bringing the Nord Stream project to an effective standstill.

Question and Answers about NordStream:

  1. Why are some in the U.S saying that Russia blew up the four pipes and sabotaged themselves?
  2. And if not Russia, why would anyone in Europe blow up the pipelines, that were supplying them with life-sustaining oil not only for vehicles but for heating during these cold winter months? Fact:  In 2021, Russia supplied nearly 40 percent of the EU’s natural gas needs through this pipeline.
  3. If this U.S. regime of Joe Lie-den can stop the KeyStone pipeline, effectively making gass and natural gas much more expensive in the U.S, why then does anyone think he could not do that to the entire Europe?
  4. How is it possible for both pipelines with 4 pipes to be disabled in one day, all at the same time and right after a NATO sea exercise?
  5. Why do people not take Joe at his word when this senile bastard say things like in the video below “if Russia invades…we will bring an end to NordStream, I promise you.”



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