The truth about EV cars and the lies about Green Energy

1. A gas-operated car has an 80-pound gas tank, versus an EV car that has a 1,000-pound battery.
2. It takes moving 250 Tons of rock to make 1 EV battery, for lithium and other metals, all coming from new mines in Asia and Africa, and Russia. (Wealth transfer).
3. The Democrat lie about green energy is now coming into focus worldwide.
4. To replace an EV car battery is the price of a new gas car. See below.

5. Wind energy worldwide is too costly and pollutes our visual view of our beautiful planet, and they fail all the time.
6. Solar is unaffordably expensive. I have a 83-panel solar system with 3 invertors to bring my home’s energy consumption down to $0.00 per month. The problem is I will have to replace my roof now due to leaks caused by the solar install, ($45,000) plus the system cost me $90,000 that is secured as a tax lien on my home. It will take me 10 years to pay it off, or the solar finance company will foreclose on my family home’s tax lien.
So to summarize, all these green energy concepts are lies and wealth transfers for the NWO.
This should be a wake-up call to all countries around the world that America’s criminal lies about EV and GREEN Energy are just that. Lies. And your country is told to raise your taxes because of your carbon footprint.