February 22, 2025


"Politicians and Diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason." – Mark Twain. …America must implement TERM LIMITS for Congress NOW.

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Take a look at Fox News Tucker Carlson describing clearly the war between America and Russia.

How this war started,

  • from the Impeachment of Trump because he asked the newly elected Ukraine president to root out corruption,
  • to the Bidens criminally withholding US Tax dollars and blackmailing Ukraine,
  • to Hunter Biden and Joe getting paid by a Ukraine energy company monthly,
  • to the “stolen election” by the Bidens and democRATS,
  • to the “dishonorable discharge” of America from Afghanistan 20 year war,
  • to Nancy Pelosi and Adam Shiff via Congress sending Ukraine $53 Billion with NO oversight of how this money is being spent, 
  • to Nancy and Adam traveling into the Ukraine warzone to talk to Zalenski about their cut of that money (or the war effort),
  • to Tony Blinken sending US Fighter Jets to Poland and Nato to funnel these jets to Ukraine to kill more Russians,
  • to America forcing the world to implement sanctions against Russia that is crippling Europe and global oil prices as well as food shortages,
  • to an economic domino effect that will get the US as the world Reserve Currency removed because countries like Russia, China, India, and now the EU, are not trading in the US Dollar any longer because of America’s arrogance and regime change war strategies.

It is now just a matter of time before China will invade Taiwan, due to America’s weakness on the world stage with corrupt leadership. The consequences of the American government’s sabotage and eventually overthrowing from 2016 to 2020 of the Executive Office and then again in the 2020 election have set America on a downward path to self-destruction. Americans do not trust their government agencies anymore and the criminals that were planted in Congress by means of money and fake votes.

It might be impossible to fix the trajectory of America’s future even with a President like Trump.
With democRATS desire and drive to destroy America and not make her Great Again, the “LAND OF THE FREE” is no longer.

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