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WTF is the NWO doing? Things you should be aware of.
03/16/2022 Theron News Press
Why does America sponsor a Biolab in Wuhan China that caused the Covid-19 virus and killed millions worldwide including in the USA?
Why did the US State Department admit that the US is involved in multiple (over 30) Weaponized Biolabs in Ukraine?
**Many in the US media and even Congress are now saying this is Russia misinformation. That is a damn lie. Here is the evidence: https://youtu.be/SWAgSBfU3xk?t=220
Why are Hunter Biden and Joe Bidens names again involved with these criminals and global treasonous activities?
What is the VIRAL STORM all about and when is that coming to kill humanity?
Why did China claim that they are operating 336 Biolabs in over 30 different countries?
Why does the corrupt White House via Jen Psaki claim this is a Russian conspiracy (just like when our government lied to judges about the Trump Russia conspiracy)?
The typical democRAT game is to accuse the other guy of what you yourself are doing, for example, Democrats calling Republicans racist. When we all know they are the party of racism.
Why are the Democrats in top government positions in front of Congress testifying now, saying there is a biological VIRAL STORM coming and already blaming it on Russia???
Why is the lying garbage FAKE NEWS already putting these claims down WHEN IT DID NOT EVEN HAPPEN YET???
Why are the DOD and DTRA and DARPA involved in creating a network of these Biolabs and why the hell are American tax dollars funding this evil stuff?
Here is the UNITED NATIONS treaty and all the countries that signed it: https://www.un.org/disarmament/biological-weapons/