The American landscape in the near future and the decline

With a very destructive two-party political system in the USA and corrupt criminals in Congress, America is destroying itself from within. This destruction already in full effect will run our country into the ground within 20 years.
Trump was right about draining the swamp, however, that same swamp drained him. The old guard in DC is the one that can join forces when need is and destroy anyone or any nation. Just look at the hateful scum called Nancy Pelosi and the impeachments and lies and hate she has spread. In terms of government control, the democRAT party has weaponized the Federal agencies in America. For example, the FBI knew for all 4 years during Trump’s presidency that the Trump-Russia conspiracy was a lie made up by Trump’s competition of the 2016 election. The FBI not only knew it was a lie, but the FBI lied to FISA Court Judges about it. Not even to mention the IRS or EPA etc. All weaponized and working for the democRATS.
Just look at the atrocities in DC on the Jan 06 “insurrection” lies and staged event in order to end the Trump presidency for good. Lawmakers are pushing their favorite weapon (the FBI) to lock Americans up in solitary confinement, some over a year now, with abusive guards and no hope in getting charged or a trial. And you still call this country “land of the free” with rights that our Constitution guarantees us? Or leaders that now sit in the White House that help pay for rioters and looters that burned American cities leading up to the American election of 2020.
Or worse yet, cancel culture because everyone is racist all of a sudden or a white supremacist as the head of our Armed forces said on TV; or better yet, the FBI director calling school parents terrorists.
The damage this is causing in America is undoable and just like the swing of a pendulum, when the Republicans get all control again, they will make the democRATS pay. And so it goes on and on and on.
The hate is so big and the corrupt media so bad, that America will not survive this. While countries like China is and has already surpassed America on many levels, and America is not able to keep their eye on the world, the world has slipped past us and is hyper-accelerating in progress while ordinary Americans are paying between 50 to 60% of their take-home income to the government yearly. Once China figures out how to tax there citizens like that, it will be the richest country by far in world history. America has only 300 million people with only 100 million in the workforce paying taxes. China has 1.4 Billion people.