January 22, 2025


"Politicians and Diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason." – Mark Twain. …America must implement TERM LIMITS for Congress NOW.

Tell Others About This.

Mayor Giuliani’s home gets raided by the FBI at 6 AM in the morning but they refuse to take Hunter Biden’s laptop hard drives with proof of crimes committed by the Bidens.

The Five on Fox News said this is “Unequal application of the Law”.


What is truly heartbreaking to view in real-time in America for the past few years, is how the FBI has betrayed American patriots and those MILLIONS of us that truly love and respect our country.

  1. To find out after years that the FBI found criminal actions by democRATS like the Clintons and did nothing, is shocking.
  2. To find out the FBI knew all along Trump was NOT a Russian spie, was shocking.
  3. To find out the FBI lied to the FISA courts multiple times to criminally support the lie from the democRATS, was shocking.
  4. To see how the FBI is SWAT handeling Republican lawyers from the last administration, while not at all following up or prosecuting ANY democRATS, is shocking.
  5. To see how the FBI had in their possession the laptop of Hunter Biden with many different crimes on video on the hard drive, and did nothing for a full year before this last election, is shocking.
  6. To see the Director of the FBI in Congress go and tell his democRAT friends, Republicans and white supremacy are worse than ISIS and that the FBI will keep arresting these terrorists that is now America’s biggest threat, is shocking and disgusting.
  7. To see that the FBI will raid with illegal supenas, Republicans law offices etc. and not protect and defend the Constitution by raiding offices of say Facebook or Twitter that delete FREE SPEACH in our country, is truly a disgrace.
  8. To see the FBI stand by and allow massive election laws to be violated by any party is criminal. Election laws derived from the US Constitution. The Law of this great land.
  9. And on and on. It is shocking and sad.

Our prayers and wishes here at Theron News Press is that the FBI will come around to applying the equal application of the law again for all Americans and to both political parties; and to uphold the actual laws that you swore to protect and defend in your auth of office!

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