January 30, 2025


"Politicians and Diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason." – Mark Twain. …America must implement TERM LIMITS for Congress NOW.

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The current view and condition of Seattle Washington – 2021
Between 2008 and 2019, 18,000 companies have LEFT California.

Why do you that live in these beautiful States called California, Oregon and Washington keep voting Democrat? Is it because you are blind to what is going on around you? In your streets and cities? Do you have a need to destroy everything that once made your place of residence wonderful and beautiful?

Are you unable to recognize the people that you have voted into power like Nanci Pelosi and others who do not care about destroying your State? They talk about homelessness but the reason for most homelessness is caused by the addiction to drugs. 



Where there is a lot of money, there is a lot of corruption. And California has a lot of money. Fake money to be more accurate. Called stock options. Companies create these stock options to incentivize the best talent to come and work for them by giving staff stock options worth up to 500% of their annual salaries. That is why there is a lot of money in California, Oregon, and Washington.

However, as we all know, what goes up must come down. The American west coast will and must crash. The arrogance of these smug liberals thumbing their noses at the rest of America’s conservative base is coming to a crescendo and catching on fire. Looking at the videos above, you see these Starbucks yuppie assholes walking past bums on the sidewalk that are defocating where they stand, and these rich fucks don’t even care about there fellow man. The world you made is in full display all around you. 

Then you get communists terrorists like George Soros or pussies like Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg that use their money to interfere in elections or help overthrow elections (completely criminal) and if it was not for the fact that the current justice department refuses to follow the law, these liberal scum would have been serving long prison sentences.

Like we said, the pendulum does swing. Companies are fleeing the American west coast in droves. Just a while back, there were multiple car manufacturing companies on the west coast. As of today, they all have left the west coast of America. California, Oregon and Washington. Some to Texas and some to Mexico. Why? High tax and destruction of law and order. California is so used to the greed and money flow. It is time to take it all away, and let these States come crashing down. The arrogance of all these liberals that have no idea what it is to struggle to make enough money per month for just food, or to keep a roof over your family’s heads.

The liberal scum that these States have bred and that has injected themselves into American life via Washington DC, like the hateful piece of shit called Nancy Pelosi or that little beady-eyed coward named Adam Schiff. The hate and damage these rats have caused and are causing in America are mindblowing. Scum like this is so out of touch with Americans, because of you liberal assholes in these 3 States. You breed these arrogant rats and then they come and impact America, believing that what they do does not matter because the liberal scum at home in their home States won’t vote them out of office. 

News flash California, Oregon, and Washington, money has wings. Corporate America will abandon you and you will come crashing down faster than a watermelon that was thrown from a balcony onto concrete. Or at least, that is what the rest of America is praying for. Your total and complete economic destruction. To suffer in life makes you humble. Your arrogance will soon dissipate and hard lessons will be taught to all you disgusting liberals that despise the country that gave you so much.

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