February 22, 2025


"Politicians and Diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason." – Mark Twain. …America must implement TERM LIMITS for Congress NOW.

Tell Others About This.

Whatever enthusiasm people had for Biden in 2020 has waned in the face of reality.

I’ve noticed that the Joe Biden voters I know personally – as well as those I have followed on social media for some time – have grown remarkably quiet since Biden entered the White House. I’m not talking about professionally clueless Hollywood celebrities, Democratic Party operatives or the media (same thing), who lie daily as they provide demonstrably specious rah-rahs for the senile old man who dodders around the White House, signs executive orders whose content he doesn’t know, looks around bemusedly on speaking daises and stumbles up the Air Force One stairs.

I’m talking about regular Americans who voted for the man.

I see hundreds of articles on Facebook and Twitter that point out what’s going on, and I keep waiting for the full-throated endorsements of the actions taken by this administration since Jan. 20, as well as the consequences therefrom. But those who used to chime in and denounce former President Donald Trump and predict all the wonderful things Biden was going to do say nothing or say very little beyond “Well, at least he isn’t Trump.”

Hey, Biden voters, where are your cheers for the direction of the country under the current president? The one we’re told 81 million of you voted for?

I find the inability to generate widespread public support of the present policies – purportedly of the Biden administration – telling. (For the record, I don’t think Biden is running the show. We can all speculate about who the powers behind the scene really are.) It’s as if the primary (or only) motivation behind support for Biden last year was a knee-jerk “anybody but Trump” reaction. But with Donald Trump no longer present as a lightning rod for media ire and the dutiful hysteria of the schools of fish that follow along, the enthusiasm for Biden (such as it was) has waned in the face of reality.
And what an unpleasant reality it is.

Biden has a history of untruthfulness that continues.

He lies about the Trump administration’s role in getting hundreds of millions of COVID-19 vaccine doses produced.

He lies about U.S. COVID deaths, about the tax bill Trump passed as president and about the new Georgia election-integrity legislation. (The Washington Post gave Biden’s statement four Pinocchios.)

Washington, D.C., remains a militarized zone, with areas still cordoned off by high fencing, razor wire and checkpoints with armed guards. The capitol of the “freest nation in the world” looks like Burma or East Berlin.

The Biden administration’s decision to shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline has cost jobs and billions in investments, poses environmental hazards (transportation must now move to rail or truck) and threatens the energy independence America had established under the Trump administration for the first time in more than six decades.

Is this what you voted for?

Immigration is a disaster. The Washington Post reported last week that 171,000 migrants were captured just last month – the highest number in 15 years. At that rate, close to 2 million people could pour into this country illegally this year. Children are being trafficked into the country at record numbers. Migrants are packed in at 10 times the capacity of the facilities, wrapped in what appears to be foil, like you would wrap baked potatoes. They arrive wearing T-shirts with Biden’s name on them, and many say they are coming because Biden “invited” them. Border agents report horrific conditions: that the cells smell of urine, feces and vomit, and that the migrants have lice, scabies and infectious diseases. Migrants infected with COVID – and there are many – are being released into the country, even as U.S. citizens’ movement is still restricted by pandemic regulations.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration lies about the reality at the border and tries to prevent the press, lawyers and members of Congress from seeing the truth.

Is this what you voted for?

Where are millions of uneducated and illiterate people going to work? What about Americans who are still out of work? The current unemployment rate is 6.2% – less than half the rate of the mid-COVID highs last spring but still double what it was before the pandemic lockdowns.

More than 100,000 small businesses closed for good. Millions more have reduced operations. 30% of surveyed U.S. small businesses are saying they do not think they will survive 2021. When we look at minority-owned businesses, that number jumps to 80%. Are American citizens who are trying to keep their businesses afloat and trying to get back to work expected to compete for jobs with illegal immigrants or pay for welfare?

Do these sound like policies that benefit Americans?

Is this what you voted for?

The porous border is also a temptation for terrorists. Border agents have reported that men on the U.S. “no-fly” list from Turkey, Iran and Yemen have been caught this year crossing the border from Mexico into California.

Is this what you voted for?

Policies that leave America and Americans open to attack?
And speaking of terrorists, let’s look at Biden’s foreign policies so far. He is determined to reenter Obama’s disastrous Iran deal that will give that country – a sponsor of international terror – the ability to build nuclear bombs.

He refuses to condemn China for its imprisonment, torture and genocide of Uighur Muslims, calling those practices a mere matter of different “cultural norms.” Nor will he stand up to China for its deceit about the COVID-19 virus.

Is this what you voted for?

Weakness and capitulation?
Lies. Deceit. Policies that encourage the trafficking of foreign children; hurt the American economy, American businesses and American workers; and threaten the safety of the American public.

Weren’t we told that a vote for Biden was a vote to restore “decency” to the White House? Is this decency?

No wonder the silence is deafening.

The democRAT racist leader signing executive orders, saying he has no clue what he is even signing. As reported by CNN.

What is wrong with a Party like the Democrat party that was born out of the KKK and white supremacy? The party that in today’s world to make up for their flawed and evil foundation, call everything the other party does “racist”. Just to deflect from who they are. Even this scum ball Joe Idiot Biden uses his own language for every flea or tick that irritates him or bugs him. Just this past week Georgia improved their voting laws, and this Joe guy goes and uses his people’s words and names because it is part of him and his default words. JIM CROW TWO POINT OH.

A party that will go overboard to even have America elect the first charismatic black politician as president, namely Obama, only to find out that nobody vetted him in his rise in the democRAT KKK party. He has no birth certificate that is American and can not rise to that office legally under the law. And then he serves 8 years and devastates America’s economy and political standing in the world. Even apologizing to the world for America’s arrogance and the things we have done.

He even wrote a book about his people and parents and religion that showed the world who he truly is and was and the coverup from the democrats to get this guy elected. And to trump that, now the party of hate brings us, Biden, as president.

A hateful white supremacist man that paved his nearly 50 years in government by yelling at everyone from up high. Now, in a senile state, dangerous to be leading America as president, the terrorist party named democrats put this fool in office to do what they tell him and when they tell him.

He places people in hight profile jobs that will further wreck America and destroy the country. Not even being in office for 100 days, this guy has promised to spend American tax dollars more that any president before him. While surrounding DC in barbed wire. Can you say, not a representative government of the people and for the people. We are doomed. Hey America, thanks for voting for him. The damage from a 8 year Biden REGIME will break America.

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