January 22, 2025


"Politicians and Diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason." – Mark Twain. …America must implement TERM LIMITS for Congress NOW.

Tell Others About This.

Let us just make these statements first:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”


TERRORISM / ter·ror·ism
The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. 
Definitions from Oxford Languages

Ex post facto law

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An ex post facto law (corrupted from Latin: ex postfacto, lit. ‘out of the aftermath’) is a law that retroactively changes the legal consequences (or status) of actions that were committed, or relationships that existed, before the enactment of the law. In criminal law, it may criminalize actions that were legal when committed; it may aggravate a crime by bringing it into a more severe category than it was in when it was committed; it may change the punishment prescribed for a crime, as by adding new penalties or extending sentences; or it may alter the rules of evidence in order to make conviction for a crime likelier than it would have been when the deed was committed.

Conversely, a form of ex post facto law commonly called an amnesty law may decriminalize certain acts. (Alternatively, rather than redefining the relevant acts as non-criminal, it may simply prohibit prosecution; or it may enact that there is to be no punishment, but leave the underlying conviction technically unaltered.

The Democrat Party passed HR1 on partisan basis. With zero support from Republicans.

What is HR1 you ask? Here is the democRAT version that they used to sell this to Americans:

H.R. 1

United States federal legislation



The For the People Act is a bill first introduced and passed in the United States House of Representatives in 2019 to expand voting rights, change campaign finance laws to reduce the influence of money in politics, limit partisan gerrymandering, and create new ethics rules for federal officeholders. Wikipedia

Originally publishedJanuary 3, 2019
Number of co-sponsors220 only Democrats voted for this bill and passed it in Congress.

Click to view text on each line below.


“In the wake of an unprecedented assault on our democracy; a coordinated attempt to ignore, undermine, and undo the will of the American people never before seen in our history; and a new wave of aggressive attacks on voting rights taking place in states across the country, I applaud Speaker Pelosi and the House of Representatives for passing H.R. 1, the For the People Act of 2021,” Biden said in a statement Thursday.

Biden called the right to vote “sacred and fundamental,” adding that it is “the right from which all of our other rights as Americans spring.”

“It will rein in the outrageous gerrymandering that distorts our democracy,” Biden said. “It will empower the Justice Department to crack down on laws that curtail voting rights along racial lines. It will reform our campaign finance system to amplify the voices of the people — not the powerful. And it will modernize and secure our future elections against all manner of threats.”

“I look forward to working with Congress to refine and advance this important bill,” Biden continued. “And I look forward to signing it into law after it has passed through the legislative process, so that together we can strengthen and restore American democracy for the next election and all those to come.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif, said the legislation is needed to combat voter suppression efforts in states, crack down on corruption and diminish the influence of big donors in politics. 



The public match program would be funded by a new 4.75% surcharge on criminal and civil penalties and settlements that corporations pay to the U.S. government. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated this week the new revenue stream would generate about $3.2 billion over 10 years. 

Republicans blasted the public financing provision as a way to line the campaign coffers of members of Congress.

“This bill isn’t for the people, it’s for the politicians,” said Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill.

The bill also reaffirms Congress’ authority to regulate money in politics, pushing back on the Supreme Court’s Citizen United decision.

Meanwhile, the bill seeks to “fortify ethics law” by breaking the “influence economy in Washington” and increases accountability by expanding conflict-of-interest laws and divestment requirements in an effort to slow the “revolving door” and prevent members of Congress from serving on corporate boards.

The bill, also, in a swipe at former President Donald Trump, requires presidents to disclose their tax returns — something Trump did not do while in office.

The legislation would also close loopholes for lobbyists and foreign agents and ensure that watchdogs have “sufficient resources” to enforce the law.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., last week, slammed the legislation as “exactly the wrong response” to what he called the “distressing lack of faith in our elections,” saying Democrats want to use their “temporary power” to “try to ensure they’ll never have to relinquish it.”


The bill would create automatic voter registration across the country and allow felonss who have served their sentences to vote. The bill would also expand early voting and enhance absentee voting by simplifying voting by mail.

The bill would also require more online political ad disclosures and force all organizations involved in political activity to disclose their large donors.

A major pillar of the legislation is setting up a new public financing system for congressional and presidential elections to incentivize small-dollar donations. The legislation would establish a 6:1 match using taxpayer money for each grassroots contribution to a candidate up to $200.

For example, a $200 donation to a House candidate would garner a $1,200 match in public funds for a total contribution of $1,400.

Democrats’ ‘For The People Act’ would ‘enshrine fraud’, stifle political minorities.

Twenty Republican state attorneys general signed a letter denouncing the House Democrats’ controversial election reform bill as unconstitutional for a slew of reasons just hours before the measure was expected to be voted on.

The letter — led by Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita — tore into H.R. 1, the “For the People Act,” a massive election reform bill and a leading priority for House Democrats this Congress.

“This monstrosity of a bill betrays the Constitution, dangerously federalizes state elections, and undermines the integrity of the ballot box,” Rokita said in a statement to Fox News. “As a former chief election officer, and now an Attorney General, I know this would be a disaster for election integrity and confidence in the processes that have been developed over time to instill confidence in the idea of ‘one person, one vote.’”

The attorneys general said the bill “betrays several Constitutional deficiencies and alarming mandates” that would “federalize” statewide elections across America and that “states have principal —and with presidential elections, exclusive — responsibility to safeguard” how they hold elections under the Constitution.

“The Act would invert that constitutional structure, commandeer state resources, confuse and muddle elections procedures, and erode faith in our elections and systems of governance,” they wrote.

They then warned lawmakers that they “may wish to consider the Act’s constitutional vulnerabilities as well as the policy critiques of state officials.”

The twenty attorneys general marched on in their letter, arguing that the For the People Act “implicates the Electors Clause” of the Constitution. The Electors Clause guarantees each state legislature the right to “direct allotment of presidential electors, and separately affords Congress only the more limited power to ‘determine the Time of chusing the Electors.’”

The attorneys general argued that this “exclusive division of power” outlined in the Constitution “differs markedly” from the Election Clause in Article I of the Constitution, “which says that both States and Congress have the power to regulate the ‘time, place, and manner’ of congressional elections.”

“That distinction is not an accident of drafting,” wrote the multi-state legal team. “After extensive debate, the Constitution’s Framers deliberately excluded Congress from deciding how presidential electors would be chosen in order to avoid presidential dependence on Congress for position and authority.”

The group then pointed to the 1892 Supreme Court case McPherson v. Blacker that “[upheld] a Michigan statute apportioning presidential electors by district.”

“The exclusivity of state power to ‘define the method’ of choosing presidential electors means that Congress may not force states to permit presidential voting by mail or curbside voting, for example,” the group wrote.

The group pointed to a 2019 opinion by Chief Justice John Roberts, where Roberts “noted with respect to congressional elections, the Framers ‘assign[ed] the issue to the state legislatures, expressly checked and balanced by the Federal Congress.'” They then blasted the bill as not having Congress act “as a check, but is instead overreaching by seizing the role of principal election regulator.”

The attorneys general torched the bill’s “constitutional deficiencies” as “only the beginning of the Act’s problems” and that, “[a]s a matter of election administration policy, it is difficult to imagine a legislative proposal more threatening to election integrity and voter confidence.”

They took aim at the For the People Act’s “limitations” on voter identification laws, roasting the act as doing “little to ensure voters say who they are” and pointing out that “requiring” a government ID to vote in an election “represents nothing more than a best practice for election administration.”

“Government-issued photo identification has been the global standard for documentary identification for decades,” the lawyers wrote, saying that “nearly twenty years ago” the Help America Vote Act required proof of identification for “first-time voters who register by mail without proof of identification.”

They continued on to say that Help America Vote Act “required” said voters to “present identification either to the county voter-registration office or at the polls.”

“Worse, it vitiates the capacity of voter ID requirements to protect against improper interference with voting rights,” the letter reads. The attorneys general went on to say the act was “not a fair election law” as it does not “treat all voters equally.”

The letter also argued that the bill would “limit how states maintain voter registration rolls” while ensuring integrity in elections, saying that “under the act,” states “could not use a combination of voter inactivity and unresponsiveness to maintain voter lists.” Instead, under the act states may “remove illegitimate voter registrations” when officials have “some other unspecified ‘objective and reliable evidence'” that the person isn’t eligible to vote.

The attorneys general wrote that “this attack on reliable methods” states have been using to “maintain voter lists without specifying any reasonable permissible alternatives belies any actual interest in preventing voter fraud.”

“The objective, rather, seems to be to prevent meaningful voter list maintenance altogether,” the letter read.

The lawyers then slammed the “so-called ‘independent’ commissions” that states would be required to use when redrawing congressional district lines after each census under the For the People Act. The attorneys wrote that the “aim” of the “provision” was to end “‘political gerrymandering'” and that the reason behind the provision was the “incoherent supposition that drawing congressional districts is something other than a political act.”

They argued that, “as with any legislation,” redrawing congressional districts “requires officials to balance legitimate competing considerations, and in so doing advance some political interests over others.”

“At least when legislatures draw boundary lines voters may punish egregious behavior at the next election; not so with government-by-commission, which trades accountability for mythical expertise and disinterest,” the team wrote.

“With respect to political redistricting, no ideal, perfectly balanced congressional boundaries exist, so we should let the people decide, through their elected officials, where to place them,” they continued.

To round off their letter calling on Congress to rethink H.R. 1, the attorneys general blasted the bill’s “requirement that political speakers disclose their donor lists.” The group said the bill “reflects an objective to name, shame, and blacklist” those who have “different or minority viewpoints.”

“In other words, the goal is to censor those with whom the authors of the bill disagree,” wrote the attorneys general.

“In the American tradition, the antidote for bad speech is more speech, not less,” they continued. “When people and organizations carry their chosen messages into the public arena, government should not cater to those who would intimidate or disrupt that same speech.”

Here is THERON NEWS PRESS’s take on H.R. 1, COVID-19 RELIEF, GUN RIGHTS, and legal overreaching legislation by Dems; and the reason it was implemented now.

  • The DNC or Democrat Party here in the USA has become a terrorist and communist party.
  • They have enslaved all Federal Agencies to protect them and violently prosecute the Republicans and Conservatives.
  • These agencies are now lying to High Courts in our nation such as the FISA courts and none of these State Department or FBI leaders are arrested by SWAT or HUNG for Treason or even imprisoned after these crimes were discovered. America is fully aware of the FBI assault on the Trump Russia lies and what the FBI did for the Democrats. And then holding evidence back from America that was extremely criminal about the Biden family before the elections.
  • The Third Branch of Government namely the Supreme Court of the United States with appointments that live in luxury on the backs of taxpayers sweat and blood, having these titles and life-long career appointments in the lap of luxury, with a job they are legally obligated to fight and defend for namely the Constitution and for Americans, have become just another criminal enterprise for the left. They too swore an oath to the Constitution, each one of them, and over and over again has denied even the most basic of all human rights, THE RIGHT TO BE HEARD.
  • This branch of the US Government has become the biggest killer of American black citizens in all of America’s history, by the poor judgment they have shown as SUPREMES and the laws they have passed. The entire NAZI Reigh killed 6 million people. The Supreme Court with its 9 Justices is directly responsible for over 50 million American deaths to date. They are not supremes, they are lazy scum, hiding in robes and responsible for things like the overthrow of governments, and mass genocide. A disgrace to the Constitution and the ideals of the founding fathers of our country.
  • The Supreme Court has become the enablers of the terror party of hate called the democRAT party.
    60 times, SIXTY TIMES, a guy called Trump asked these supremes TO BE HEARD. Not to rule, TO BE HEARD. These Justices in that branch of government denied a sitting president the right to be HEARD in a court of law. 60 times. They still are getting paid and have a job until they die of old age, even if they become senile. A supreme illegal disgrace and a black (or red) stain on our founding documents to wit, freedoms, and liberties for the people.
  • The democRATS have STOLEN the 2020 election and created a mockery of the Election laws that derived from our Constitution. By doing so all Democrats in office have become VIOLATORS and CRIMINALS against the OATH OF OFFICE and Constitution that they swore to uphold. 
  • By democRATS using the MEDIA, they have used COUNTER TERRORIST tactics and acts of lies and intimidation and false narratives to promote their indoctrination and spin lies of terror. When your job that is protected by the Constitution is to investigate and report back to America of what the NEWS of today is, but then you write lies and report falsely or worse, refuse to report to America; you should be crucified as a terrorist of this great country. Because that damage you as FAKE NEWS can do and as shown recently have done, is TREASONOUS. How can we make that claim? Because the job you do (reporting the truth) is granted you by the Constitution as the FIRST and highest level of protection, namely the FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION. By becoming “Fake News”, you have violated and given up those rights the law gave you.
  • DemocRAT leaders in Congress have publically supported and rallied for RIOTS and DESTRUCTION of property and cities in America, and by that token became criminals by aiding and abetting looters and rioters.
  • The current vice president of the United States promoted rioters’ destruction on national TV and went as far as admitting to PAYING to get those arrested that assaulted COPS, back out into the streets. Kamala Harris is a TERRORIST by doing that. She must be removed from office and impeached and arrested.
  • Joe Biden writes illegal executive orders that are in direct conflict with EXISTING American LAWS on the books. By doing so he has created EX POST FACTO LAW. Effectively making THE EXISTING CONSTITUTION AND LAWS OF OUR LAND a moot point. By doing so, Joe Biden has violated HIS OATH of Office, AND MUST BE ARRESTED AND FOUND GUILTY FOR TREASON. (You promise and swear to defend and uphold the Constitution …) Means nothing to this asshole.
  • Furthermore, the highest or first and foremost responsibility of any president is to fight for and defend America and Americans. Mental sleepy Joe with his illegal Regime has opened the borders of America allowing hundreds of thousands of law-breaking illegals to stream into America. These illegals come and infect us with Covid. They come and take the jobs of Americans. They become a massive burden on taxpayers because Joe gives them free everything. These illegals are the weak and lowest educated scum from their countries, now becoming a burden in our country. And for what? Why is Joe and the democRATS doing this?
  • We now know, HR1. H.R.1 allows for voting without any ID. H.R.1 does not allow for the government to validate or check if you are really living at the address you say to be able to vote in my precinct, or County or State, or even country. H.R.1 is criminal and those who wrote it and passed it have stabbed America and Americans in the back and betrayed this country. If you as a country have no borders, you have no sovereignty as a nation. Therefore you no longer are a nation. You are just a place where people can come and go as they please without breaking any laws and take what they want. This is what that criminal terrorist Joe Biden and democRATS have done to America.
  • Nancy Pelosi thru her office as the Speaker of the House, tried illegally twice to IMPEACH a lawfully elected President of the United States. By doing so, Nancy has used the First Branch of Government, to launch attacks on the Second Branch of Government, with the aim to destroy a Presidency she disliked.
  • Nancy further was in charge of the Security of the Peoples House, the Capitol Building when it came under attack on November 6, 2020. She purposefully did this and insight violence that she was well aware of two weeks before it happened, and to remove a sitting president and NOT allow the ELECTION LAWS to be heard or executed as the LAW dictates. This is more than criminal and dereliction of duty. This is TERRORISM committed by Nancy Pelosi from the office of the Speaker of the United States Congress.
  • Then to further destroy the Constitution, Nancy Pelosi illegally have imprisoned Washington DC, the capital city of America, with barb wire and walls of fenses and armed soldiers, as if we were a 3rd world dictatorship. Complete MARTIAL LAW. She had no authority to place America’s Capital in LOCKDOWN. A TERRORIST ACT again.
  • By Nancy and Chuck and Biden holding all the power, the White House, the House, and the Senate, she and Chuck are illegally changing the House and Senate RULES to pass laws like this damaging H.R.1 and even worse. They have STOLEN last week $1.9 Trillion from American taxpayers, and nobody arrested them. Even when the LEFT media called out that only 9% of the bill was for Covid relief, the rest was for democRAT States and States that Aided and Abetted in the THEFT of the LAST Presidency.
  • And the biggest criminal TERRORIST act of all, the democrat initiated and democrat driven COVID-19 plague, forcing the immediate stop of Trump rallies or peaceful assemblies by pissed-off Americans.
    Forcing the stop of the right to assemble by Americans.
    Forcing the denial of the right to religion.
    Forcing illegal lockdowns.
    Forcing citizens to get imprisoned for refusing to obey government regulations that were enacted by nationwide Democrats and democRAT States based on CDC RECOMMENDATIONS OR GUIDELINES.
    Since when the hell is recommendations, THE LAW. Any restrictions that local or national leaders have placed on American citizens was an attack and assault on the Constitution and the Laws of this land and the Laws these TERRORISTS swore to uphold.
  • If law enforcement does not arrest these criminal terrorists, this will get worse and we will land up in a devastating war in America. Far worse than the civil war.

Our suggestion, there are 110 thousand FBI in America. There are over 800 thousand Cops and Sheriffs. The law enforcement officers in America need to start arresting Democrat Party members that are and have been committing Constitutional crimes.

The scum that resides in America’s Supreme Court should and must do their job. Defend the Constitution. There is no reason you should wait for someone to come to you with a case. You as the Legislative Branch can rule today, rule that any president or LAWMAKER in Congress that MAKES A LAW THAT IS AGAINST THE LAW, you know, the “THING”, the  CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; that law, if anyone president or lawmaker makes laws that violates the Constitution, these people must be removed from office and must be imprisoned. YOU CAN DO THAT AS SUPREMES. You are supposed to be the HIGHEST COURT IN THE LAND AND THE ULTIMATE DEFENDERS OF THE CONSTITUTION. Useless scum. This is not a question of left or right or how will people feel if we do this or that. It is your job and duty to defend the f*cken Constitution and to prosecute those that try and destroy it. If you don’t, you also are complicit in the destruction of America and the law of our land. A terrorist. Wake up and do something.

Editors’ footnote, if you don’t, you are a spoiled idiot that has no clue of how bad it will get or what it is to lose all your freedoms and live in a 3rd world country under communism and even when the most basic right namely to live life and breathe oxygen is taken from you.

America is clearly a country at war now and the democRATS have become the extreme lawbreakers and criminals, effectively using unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. And that is the definition of terrorism.

Therefore DEMOCRATS HAVE BECOME TERRORISTS in America. Destroying the Constitution of America, violently infringing on Americans’ rights and civil liberties, and stealing our tax dollars in massive amounts. 

Your Constitution has this clearly spelled out and this warning is also in your oath of office as well: Enemies, foreign or DOMESTIC… Your part, your job, your duty, your oath; … to support, to protect, to defend THE CONSTITUTION OF AMERICA AGAINST ALL ENEMIES, FOREIGN OR DOMESTIC.

For those of you who lost your copy of the Constitution, here, you can download a copy of the United States Constitution right here. Or click on the image.

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