January 22, 2025


"Politicians and Diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason." – Mark Twain. …America must implement TERM LIMITS for Congress NOW.

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And what are you going to do about it? Here is the real question; how many Americans have lost their right to free speech on these platforms in 2020 until now? Answer America you arrogant punk: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The answer is in the millions. Now, these two arrogant punks decided they with the support of their criminal politician friends that gave them rule 230, to shield and insulate them from Americans and the world that might get upset with any bad behavior on their part and file lawsuits against these private companies. With rule 230 given them by Obama, they are insulated even from the European Union or like what happened now, suspending and shutting down the current POTUS, the President of the United States!

This is not even totally unacceptable, this should be criminal to the level of treason, and it is.

Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and others. All from the corrupt and criminal west coast tech sickness zone that is truly a disgrace. Where millions of homeless people defecate in the streets while these tech billionaires drive around them to their fortresses and corporate kingdoms.

Face the facts, most of America hated Trump’s constant Tweets. Hey Trump, come on man, you are the President now, stop tweeting at 3AM, or holy shit, did he really just tweet that? You are the President of the United States and should respect that office. Us people here on the ground and mud tweet, because it is all a little bird can do. Tweet. You are the President, act like it. But instead, Trump tweeted and tweeted and tweeted, and his generals hated it, the White House staff hated it, his enemies hated it, the democRATS despised it, and Republicans feared it. But for these two fanny pack cock suckers to delete a President of the United States account on their little websites and help block conservative speech during the whole election and especially afterwards, is a terrorist act against America. PERIOD.


Above are the reasons Twitter gave to destroy Trump’s favorite presidential tool namely tweet. I guess Trump never thought that asshole bearded ape from the twit company called Twitter could have the balls to delete his means of “getting the word out”.

Here is a PDF copy of the Trump Twitter suspension.

The real sad thing is what these American companies are doing here will have long-standing repercussions and payback will be a bitch for them.

The Trump legacy sadly will be not what he accomplished before the Coronavirus, but instead, it will be “death by tweet”. Because they silenced a sitting POTUS. 

If punks like these tech billionaires can do that, hell, what is next in the democratic arsenal for America.

Update to the article. 1/11/2021

Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Google and Amazon joined forces to ILLEGALLY remove and shut down PARLER. The national outcry from everywhere is huge and all these companies are going to get distroyed by the Government very shortly.

  1. Twitter with that hippy Jack Dorsey that allow terrorist and dictators on his text website, but deleted the United States President paid a hefty price so far, and the future legislation for this punk is not looking bright. Twitter loses $5 billion in ONE WEEK in market value after Trump is permanently barred from the platform.
  2. Facebook update since that little boy Mark Zuckerberg deleted Trump’s account: 
    Facebook sees $34 billion erased from market cap. And legislation is coming kid, so your little website will be chopped up and destroyed.

Makes you wonder if these two idiots thought enough about attacking America and the Constitution. Stockholders of these companies should sell and immediately short sell.

Here is why:

  1. They both committed election interference and the Department of Justice is on the case.
  2. They both suspended and remove a sitting president of the United States from their pathetic websites. Do you think Republicans will forget that? And even the democRATS will have to side with the Constitution over these tech political assholes.
  3. Not only in the US will everyone come after them forever, but as soon as Section 230 of the Communications Act is removed, the whole damn world especially the EU and countries like China, Russia, Iran, Saudi, and Korea, and many many others are legally going to be able to SUE THE HELL OUT OF THEM. Bye-bye, you two stupid little boys from California.

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