February 23, 2025


"Politicians and Diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason." – Mark Twain. …America must implement TERM LIMITS for Congress NOW.

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A new report detailing massive fraud plaguing the 2020 election alleges there was a widespread, “theft by a thousand cuts” strategy “across six dimensions and six battleground states.” The report cites comprehensive evidence, and blasts the media for its failure to cover the matter accurately.

In the report, Peter Navarro, also a White House Trade Adviser, outlines a “coordinated strategy to effectively stack the election deck against the Trump-Pence ticket” occurring in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.


The full report is embedded below with an excerpt at bottom of the Executive Summary and Warning of Widespread Proven Election Fraud.

Executive Summary

This report assesses the fairness and integrity of the 2020 Presidential Election by examining six dimensions of alleged election irregularities across six key battleground states.

Evidence used to conduct this assessment includes more than 50 lawsuits and judicial rulings, thousands of affidavits and declarations, testimony in a variety of state venues, published analyses by think tanks and legal centers, videos and photos, public comments, and extensive press coverage. The matrix below indicates that significant irregularities occurred across all six battleground states and across all six dimensions of election irregularities.

This finding lends credence to the claim that the election may well have been stolen from President Donald J. Trump. From the findings of this report, it is possible to infer what may well have been a coordinated strategy to effectively stack the election deck against the Trump-Pence ticket. Indeed, the observed patterns of election irregularities are so consistent across the six battleground states that they suggest a coordinated strategy to, if not steal the election outright, strategically game the election process in such a way as to “stuff the ballot box” and unfairly tilt the playing field in favor of the Biden-Harris ticket.

Topline findings of this report include:

  • The weight of evidence and patterns of irregularities are such that it is irresponsible for anyone especially the mainstream media to claim
    there is “no evidence” of fraud or
  • The ballots in question because of the identified election irregularities are more than sufficient to swing the outcome in favor of President Trump should even a relatively small portion of these ballots be ruled illegal.
  • All six battleground States exhibit most, or all, six dimensions of election irregularities. However, each State has a unique mix of issues that might be considered “most important.”
  • To put this another way, all battleground states are characterized by the same or similar election irregularities; but, like Tolstoy’s unhappy families, each battleground state is different in its own election irregularity way.
  • This was theft by a thousand cuts across six dimensions and six battleground states rather than any one single “silver bullet” election irregularity.
  • In refusing to investigate a growing number of legitimate grievances, the anti-Trump media and censoring social media are complicit in shielding the American public from the truth. This is a dangerous game that simultaneously undermines the credibility of the media and the stability of our political system and Republic.
  • Those journalists, pundits, and political leaders now participating in what has become a Biden Whitewash should acknowledge the six dimensions of election irregularities and conduct the appropriate investigations to determine the truth about the 2020 election. If this is not done before Inauguration Day, we risk putting into power an illegitimate and illegal president lacking the support of a large segment of the American people.
  • The failure to aggressively and fully investigate the six dimensions of election irregularities assessed in this report is a signal failure not just of our anti-Trump mainstream media and censoring social media but also of both our legislative and judicial branches.
    • Republican governors in Arizona and Georgia together with Republican majorities in both chambers of the State Legislatures of five of the six battleground states Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin have had both the power and the opportunity to investigate the six dimensions of election irregularities presented in this report. Yet, wilting under intense political pressure, these politicians have failed in their Constitutional duties and responsibilities to do so and thereby failed both their states and this nation as well as their party.
    • Both State courts and Federal courts, including the Supreme Court, have failed the American people in refusing to appropriately adjudicate the election irregularities that have come before them. Their failures pose a great risk to the American Republic.
  • If these election irregularities are not fully investigated prior to Inauguration Day and thereby effectively allowed to stand, this nation runs the very real risk of never being able to have a fair presidential election again with the down-ballot Senate races scheduled for January 5 in Georgia an initial test case of this looming risk.

…End of Executive Summary on Election Fraud of 2020 Presidential Election


  1. All 50 lawsuits were dismissed by The Legislative Branch, without even hearing the cases.
  2. The Government Departments such as the FBI, State Department, CIA, or even Homeland Security refused to investigate for clear evidence of massive voter fraud.
  3. The Main Stream Media refused to investigate and publicize any voter fraud and kept defending democRAT crimes.
  4. The criminals responsible for the voting machine counting fraud was given a pass by the criminals appointed by this new way of election corruption and criminal voting.

Biden and Kamala will be inaugurated on January 20, 2021, as the first illegitimate and illegal presidency in American history, with both the House and the Senate as a supermajority to give the democratic party the total control of destroying America and selling our country to the highest bidders.

With the typical cowards that have festered inside the republican party forever, that is unable to stand together and fight together, our America is truly doomed.

  • Elections will never be legitimate again.
  • Criminals will reside in the Executive Branch, in the Legislative Branches, and in the Judicial Branches, all controlled by terrorists like George Soros, CCP, Russia, and others.
  • The Constitution will be removed and new laws will be implemented to kill and destroy Americans and the Western world as a whole.
  • As soon as Biden is in the Oval Office, the whole world will know that America is officially a puppet government that was and forever will be able to be sold to the highest bidders.
  • Making America weak is the democRATS goal, so defunding police, shutting people and businesses down with little viruses like Covid-19, illegally and criminally using the FBI to lie to Fisa Court judges, and destroying presidencies of their opponents are just the start of these democRAT bastards.
  • Riots and dead human bodies on the streets of America are coming to all major population centers very soon. And with the American black population obedient to their KKK slavemasters in the democRAT party and still voting to keep them in office, America will suffer its doom within 10 years from this 2020 criminal election.
  • America’s enemies have been waiting, and it is not only countries like Russia and China, but even our “allies” that will feast in the fall of this country. With an unsustainable debt ramping up to 30 trillion, markers will be called in and with no friends left, the boat will sink soon.
  • And the invasion of foreign countries and zero respect for sovereign states?! Just think of how many countries America was directly responsible for the overthrow of their government and direct interference. The list nearly includes all countries in the entire world. We drode bomb countries now more than ever. We get into wars within countries and overthrow the governments and arm the terrorists. We setup military bases in countries like Syria with no intention of ever leaving. Just think of Germany since WW2. All illegal invasions with no UN authorization at all. And supporting and weaponizing the terrorists makes America what?
  • The internal hate in this country called America between left and right has surpassed the point of eruption. The old guard who loved and cared for a young country of only 244 years has stepped aside allowing democRATS to commit unchallenged high-crimes, and now with new younger generations that were brainwashed and indoctrinated by democRATS to hate America, she is doomed. The cancer that is called the Democrat party, has overtaken its patient called America. She is now officially dying.


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