December 22, 2024


"Politicians and Diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason." – Mark Twain. …America must implement TERM LIMITS for Congress NOW.

Fox News refuses to air White House Press Secretary

Tell Others About This.

“Unless she has more details to back that up, I can’t in good countenance continue showing you this,” Fox News’ Neil Cavuto told viewers.

Fox News have become the focal point of hate from Americans because they were supposed to be the last channel America could watch that is not a liberal corrupt news source.

As President Trump call them, the “Fake News” that lie and promote hate, corrupt liberal news and anti-American sentiment. Like the liberals king Obama that always apologized for America, Fox News now have included themselves into the group of hated news channels by most Americans.

Many conservative anchors on Fox News are loved by American conservatives, but clearly Fox News have recently changed and now are illegally calling elections and actively promoting Democrats to the dusgust of conservatives in our country.

According to many news sources, Fox News is losing millions of viewers daily since the corrupt Trump Biden election on November 03, 2020.

The end result is great conservative political anchors like Tucker Carlson, Shawn Hannity, Judge Jeanine and others will vacate Fox News, and Fox will just become another MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CNN or one of those crappy channels with all their lies and anti-American bullshit opinions. Not news.

“I would expect that as we enter a more normal news cycle, which will happen eventually, that appetite for news will shift,” said Lachlan Murdoch. This idiot is one of the main owners of Fox News and responsible for the channels “left” turn.

Murdock, like so many other idiots in the news business and America have no clue why people watch their channels. No idea.

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